venerdì 19 dicembre 2008

Avatar Snapshots

read on the Koinup Blog about the Project called Avatart
It seems that Avatart, contraction of "Avatar" and "Art" is the new art form adopted by virtual worlds members

Still these days, New World Notes announced the results of the Avatar Contest
created by Koinup and judged by Hamlet Au, Bettina Tizzy, Mario Gerosa

martedì 16 dicembre 2008

Avatar Customization vs Avatar Creativity

All of you already know what doest it mean "the avatar customization"
probably a few less know about the trend of making art with avatars

Koinup launched this project dedicated to avatar art

Avatar Art, said by Hamlet Au is when "avatar itself becomes a new canvas for artistic expression"

Avatar customization is the simple action of modify the avatar to make it more confortable, avatar art is the ability to express yourself with the use of avatars, by making photos or creating avatar scultures........

domenica 14 dicembre 2008

Second Life Best Pictures

Best Directory for Second Life Pictures and Photos

read more | digg story

Here are the Second Life Pics

giovedì 11 dicembre 2008

Support for sending postcards from SL to Flickr

If you are looking for some solutions for sending postcards from second life to flickr
I suggest you to have a look at this Second Life Flickr Support advice from the Koinup Staff
You can also look at snapzilla, which is offering a similar solution

martedì 9 dicembre 2008

Wikipedia goes virtual

Read on the Koinup blog they are now featuring on wikipedia page
the term Koinup is now featured with a nice article

domenica 9 novembre 2008

Debate Second Life Open Sim

I read a lot this week about the debate Open Sim vs Second Life......

I think that SL is much more better for now.....
but I still think that Open Sim is very interesting because it has an Open Souce approach as Firefox, Linux and open source drove the whole www for years and it is getting more and more important......

I read with interest the Koinup folks have now an Open Sim area on their website

venerdì 17 ottobre 2008

Koinup featured virtual worlds

Koinup recently added many world to its list of featured of metaverse
first Kaneva, later vSide, recently Lively

Before them, they deployed IMVU and Second Life

mercoledì 15 ottobre 2008


Some times ago, I stumbled upon some nice vside stuffs on Koinup and I got curious about this virtual world....
have you ever tried it?

Graphic looks pretty nice....but I'm still wondering what we can do and spend our time in virtual worlds, without user creation contents?

Second Life Steampunk

Koinup is running a nice contest:
Second Life Steampunk

There are a lot of entries! have a look please!

domenica 12 ottobre 2008

virtual worlds places

You know I love Koinup! One the main reason is because on Koinup you can find people from all the virtual worlds! They have recently added this feature related to Second Life Sims
Later I saw this article of Hamlet AU on Second Life places portal on Koinup

I'm not very use in Second Life.....I used some weeks...then I interrupted my experience.....I more frequently am on IMVU
so I hope they will add a similar portal for IMVU

domenica 14 settembre 2008

Second Life Photography

my friend Mforiero report on this blog entry about Second Life Photograph over at Koinup Blog

I totally agree with Mforiero and Koinup that Second Life Screenshots are a new way to express themselves, to create art and to make fantastic photos....

we have to remove the trivial meaning from the word "screenshots"
because screenshots can be art! for sure!

This is particolarly true for Second Life Photography

venerdì 14 marzo 2008

Second Life videos and machinima

I love very much user generated contents in virtual favorite kind of contest are machinima.......

awesome people spend their time to create this kind of animations......

look here some Second Life Videos
and here some: Sims videos
and have fun!

venerdì 7 marzo 2008

Avatar Pictures

I'm an avatar addicted, I love to see, watch, talk with, discover new avatars.....

I suggest you to have a look at one of the main avatar pictures gallery I know
It is called Koinup!

Second Life Photos

I'm not still member of SL
but anyway I'm impressed by the quality

of Second Life Photos I daily view in Koinup and Flickr


I'm a virtual worlds travelers......

My fav virtual hangout is IMVU
I have my own house there

You can find me often in the forum or in my favorite IMVU community